焼酎 [しょうちゅう] English : distilled spirits/liquor French : 照会 [しょうかい] English : inquiry/reference French : 称する [しょうする] English : to pretend/to take the name of/to feign/to purport French : 章 [しょう] English : section/medal French : 笑い [わらい] English : laugh/laughter/smile French : 笑い声 [わらいごえ] English : laughter French : 証書 [しょうしょ] English : bond/deed/certificate French : 賞 [しょう] English : prize/award French : 賞罰 [しょうばつ] English : rewards & punishments French : 上 [じょう] English : (pref)(suf) governmental/imperial/top/best/high class/going up/presenting/showing/aboard a ship or vehicle/from the standpoint of/as a matter of (fact)/first volume French : (pref)(suf) 上がり [あがり] English : (suf) slope/advance income/crop yield/ascent/rise/advance/death/spinning/completion/stop/finish/after (rain)/ex (official, etc.) French : (suf) 上がる [あがる] English : to enter/to go up/to rise/to climb up/to advance/to appreciate/to be promoted/to improve/to call on/to be offered/to accrue/to be finished/to come to (expenses)/to go bankrupt/to begin spinning (cocoons)/to be caught/to get ruffled/to eat/to drink/to die/to weaken (as a battery)/to let up (rain) French : 上り [のぼり] English : up-train (going to Tokyo)/ascent French : 上下 [うえした] English : high & low/up & down/unloading & loading/praising & blaming French : 上空 [じょうくう] English : sky/the skies/high-altitude sky/upper air French : 上等 [じょうとう] English : (an) superiority/first class/very good French : (an) 上半身 [じょうはんしん] English : upper half of body/bust French : 上流 [じょうりゅう] English : upper stream/upper classes French : 乗じる [じょうじる] English : to take advantage of/to multiply (in math)/to follow blindly French : 乗ずる [じょうずる] English : to take advantage of/to multiply (in math)/to follow blindly French : 乗り越える [のりこえる] English : to climb over/to ride across/to surmount French : 乗り越す [のりこす] English : to ride past/to pass/to outdistance French : 乗越す [のりこす] English : to ride past/to pass/to outdistance French : 乗回す [のりまわす] English : (vt) to drive (a car) around/to ride (a bicycle) around French : (vt) 乗り回す [のりまわす] English : (vt) to drive (a car) around/to ride (a bicycle) around French : (vt) 乗り気 [のりき] English : interest/eagerness French : 乗気 [のりき] English : interest/eagerness French : 乗り降り [のりおり] English : getting on and off French : 乗り込む [のりこむ] English : to board/to embark on/to get into (a car)/to ship (passengers)/to man (a ship)/to help (someone) into/to march into/to enter French : 乗り出す [のりだす] English : to set out/to set sail/to embark on/to lean forward/to begin to ride French : 乗車 [じょうしゃ] English : (vs) taking a train/entraining French : (vs) 場違い [ばちがい] English : (id) out-of-place/inappropriate/sticking out like a sore thumb French : (id) 場面 [ばめん] English : scene/setting (e.g. of novel) French : 常に [つねに] English : always French : 常用 [じょうよう] English : (vs) habitual use/daily use French : (vs) 常用漢字 [じょうようかんじ] English : kanji for common use French : 情 [じょう] English : feelings/emotion/passion French : 杖 [つえ] English : cane French : 状 [じょう] English : (suf) shape French : (suf) 畳 [じょう] English : -tatami mats (counter) French : 蒸かす [ふかす] English : (vt) to steam French : (vt) 飾り [かざり] English : decoration French : 拭う [ぬぐう] English : to wipe French : 拭く [ふく] English : to wipe/to dry French : 職人 [しょくにん] English : worker/mechanic/artisan/craftsman French : 職務 [しょくむ] English : professional duties French : 職歴 [しょくれき] English : work experience/work history French : 触れ合う [ふれあう] English : to come into contact with/to touch (each other) French : 食い違い [くいちがい] English : discrepancy/different or conflicting opinions French : 食違い [くいちがい] English : discrepancy/different or conflicting opinions French : 食い違う [くいちがう] English : to cross each other/to run counter to/to differ/to clash/to go awry French : 食違う [くいちがう] English : to cross each other/to run counter to/to differ/to clash/to go awry French : 食い込む [くいこむ] English : to eat into French : 食止める [くいとめる] English : to check/to hold back French : 食い止める [くいとめる] English : to check/to hold back French : 食み出る [はみでる] English : to jut out (of bounds)/be crowded out French : 食パン [しょくパン] English : plain bread French : 食費 [しょくひ] English : food expense French : 食品 [しょくひん] English : commodity/foodstuff French : 食料 [しょくりょう] English : food French : 虫食む [むしばむ] English : to eat into (e.g. by worms)/to spoil/to ruin/to undermine French : 蝕む [むしばむ] English : to eat into (e.g. by worms)/to spoil/to ruin/to undermine French : 尻 [しり] English : buttocks/bottom French : 尻尾 [しっぽ] English : tail (animal) French : 伸びやか [のびやか] English : (an) comfortable/carefree French : (an) 信じる [しんじる] English : to believe/to believe in/to place trust in/to confide in/to have faith in French : 信ずる [しんずる] English : to believe/to believe in/to place trust in/to confide in/to have faith in French : 寝かせる [ねかせる] English : to put to bed/to lay down/to ferment French : 寝つき [ねつき] English : quality (ease, difficulty) of one's sleep French : 寝付き [ねつき] English : quality (ease, difficulty) of one's sleep French : 寝巻き [ねまき] English : sleep-wear/nightclothes/pyjamas/nightgown/nightdress French : 寝間着 [ねまき] English : sleep-wear/nightclothes/pyjamas/nightgown/nightdress French : 寝巻 [ねまき] English : sleep-wear/nightclothes/pyjamas/nightgown/nightdress French : 寝顔 [ねがお] English : sleeping face French : 寝言 [ねごと] English : talking in sleep/nonsense French : 寝床 [ねどこ] English : bed French : 寝息 [ねいき] English : sleeper's breathing French : 寝付く [ねつく] English : to go to bed French : 寝返る [ねがえる] English : to change sides/to double-cross/to betray French : 寝坊 [ねぼう] English : (vs) sleeping in late French : (vs) 心掛け [こころがけ] English : readiness/intention/aim French : 心掛ける [こころがける] English : to bear in mind/to aim to do French : 心境 [しんきょう] English : mental state French : 心強い [こころづよい] English : heartening/reassuring French : 心細い [こころぼそい] English : helpless/forlorn/hopeless/unpromising/lonely/discouraging/disheartening French : 心地 [ここち] English : feeling/sensation/mood French : 心中 [しんじゅう] English : (vs) double suicide/lovers suicide French : (vs) 心当たり [こころあたり] English : having some knowledge of/happening to know French : 心得 [こころえ] English : knowledge/information French : 心理 [しんり] English : mentality French : 振り [ふり] English : (vs) pretence/show/appearance French : (vs) 振り [ぶり] English : (suf) style/manner French : (suf) 振り仮名 [ふりがな] English : furigana (hiragana over kanji)/pronunciation key French : 振り向く [ふりむく] English : to turn one's face/to turn around French : 新 [しん] English : (pref) new French : (pref) 新学期 [しんがっき] English : new school term French : 新興 [しんこう] English : rising/developing/emergent French : 新婚 [しんこん] English : newly-wed French : 新聞社 [しんぶんしゃ] English : newspaper company French : 深さ [ふかさ] English : depth/profundity French : 深み [ふかみ] English : depth/deep place French : 申し込む [もうしこむ] English : to apply for/to make an application/to propose (marriage)/to offer (mediation)/to make an overture (of peace)/to challenge/to lodge (objections)/to request (an interview)/to subscribe for/to book/to reserve French : 申し出る [もうしでる] English : to report to/to tell/to suggest/to submit/to request/to make an offer/to come forward with information French : 申し上げる [もうしあげる] English : to say/to tell/to state French : 申し訳 [もうしわけ] English : apology/excuse French : 真っ最中 [まっさいちゅう] English : midst/height French : 真っ赤 [まっか] English : (an) deep red/flushed (of face) French : (an) 真っ先 [まっさき] English : the head/the foremost/beginning French : 真に [しんに] English : truly/actually/really French : 真意 [しんい] English : real intention/true motive/true meaning French :